Monday, October 28, 2013

Sword and Board Games - Shadow Hold Female Troll

Sword and Board Games presents their first actual miniature, the Shadow Hold female Troll:

Today we are pleased to show you a sneak peak at our first production resin miniature. This Shadow Hold female Troll is 5cm from head to toe and will be the largest miniature (for now) of all the races for Twelve Elements of War.
For Twelve Elements of War we wanted to make sure that we had races that looked in proportion to how they would be in the real world. The heights and physiques of our races will differ from other miniature ranges. However we feel that this sets our gaming universe and miniatures apart from the others.
The team over at Maxmini have done a great job at producing our first miniature with many more on the way in the future. We will be tweaking the armour details a little raising them up slightly.
We have a troll currently being painted up at the moment and hope to bring you some pictures before the Kickstarter in December.
Link: Sword and Board Games 

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