Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Warlord Games - Fantasy Football Dwarf Ladies

Warlord Games left their usual historical terrain and released these beauties:

The set includes: 2x Shield Maidens, 2x Iron Maidens, 2x Winged Maidens, 6x Hand Maidens
Link: Warlord Games

1 comment:

  1. "Juggs" magazine called. They want their models back :D
    Kidding aside, these are extremely fun minis and well sculpted. Your opponent might be so distracted from their huge... tracts of land, that you might be able to sneak a couple of plays past him.
    Not sure why Warlord bothered to censor the Shield Maidens though. Besides the fact that they are wearing pasties, you can see them in the group shot anyway.


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